Operator of this internet platform

Oberhofer GmbH & Co KG
Unterkramsach 106-107
A-6233 Kramsach, AUSTRIA

Telephone: 0043 5337 62275 0
Fax: 0043 5337 62275 75

Company booking number GmbH: FN 39127 s
Company booking number KG: FN 24030 p
UID number: ATU32419406
DVR number: DVR 4018052
FB-Place of jurisdictio: LG/HG Innsbruck
Place of jurisdiction: Rattenberg

Industry affiliation

Wirtschaftskammer Tirol
Trade: Landesgremium Handel mit Mode
Industry: Fachverband Textilindustrie

We are SEDEX Member (ZC423403213) and SMETA 4-pillar audited.


Layout and design of the overall site, as well as individual elements thereof, such as logos, photographs, etc. are copyright protected. The same applies to editorial content; individually and in selection and composition; any alteration of these is not permitted. Public use of the site and contents thereof may be made only with the agreement of Oberhofer GmbH & Co KG.

Photos ©

FotoBeer, Gerhard Beer


Textura, Anna-Maria Stiefmüller

Web programming tech. implementation

DataZimmermann, Gilbert Zimmermann


Contents published in are researched with the greatest of care and technical services are programmed to the best possible standards. However, we takes no responsibility for 100% accuracy. All information is supplied without liability. No liability is accepted for damages incurred through the use of content or services to be found in

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Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are exclusively responsible for the content of linked pages.

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Oberhofer Uniform GmbH & CoKG, Kramsach.

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